Treasure Coast Advocates For Seniors first started in 2008. It was then that poverty among the elderly was on the rise, and for the following years, it continued.
Poverty among the elderly means having limited to no access to social and health services, on top of their fragile health. Senior citizens are also discriminated against due to people’s prejudice about aging. These factors drove us to come together and help the senior citizens on Treasure Coast continue to live a well-dignified and independent life.
We have partnered with businesses, individuals, and even students, in assisting seniors with adult day care, caregiver programs, respite care, elder abuse prevention programs, financial assistance, home health services, home repair, legal assistance, long-term care, nutrition services, transportation, veterans assistance, senior real estate specialist.
We have helped hundreds, if not thousands, of seniors for more than a decade now, and will continue to provide our services for as long as someone needs assistance.
Our Purpose
The purpose of Treasure Coast Advocates for Seniors is to function as a common meeting ground for community members, professionals, and others interested in the field of aging.
Our Mission
The mission of Treasure Coast Advocates For Seniors (TCAS) is to provide healthcare & financial education, counseling & assistance on the Treasure Coast.
Our Vision
To make Treasure Coast an elderly-inclusive community, and inspire the neighboring cities and nations to do the same.
What Guides Us
TCAS board of directors and members adopt bylaws and articles of incorporation that dictate the structure and purpose of Treasure Coast Advocates for Seniors. For your convenience, the bylaws and articles of incorporation are available for you to download.
Be one of us in making Treasure Coast the best place for seniors to grow old.